Sliding Scale

We offer an honour-system based sliding scale for individuals in order to make potent, local herbs available to as many as possible. If you are experiencing economic hardship, the Rely pricing is available to you. If you identify as a person of color, the Receive pricing is for you. 

Cultivate community. +15%

When you choose a Cultivate level payment, you are covering costs and beyond. You have the opportunity to redistribute some of your privilege and access to resources to those in a place of hardship. 

Sustain community: Regular price.

When you choose the Sustain payment level, you are covering the actual cost of the herbs. This level is for those who have some earning power and privilege and for whom the regular price may be a sacrifice, but not a hardship. 

Rely on community: -15%

When you choose the Rely payment level, know that you can rely on your community to support you. We want to reflect the interconnected and interdependent plant community. This level is for those for whom the regular price would be a hardship. 

Receive reparations from community: -20%

When you choose a Receive payment level, we are making reparations to acknowledge unjust and racist economic, political and social systems, as well as our role in them as people who hold privilege and benefit from those systems. 

– If paying the Sustain (regular) price would be a stretch for you, but not detrimental, it’s a sacrifice. Folks coming from a space of sacrifice are encouraged to purchase at the Sustain or Cultivate levels, depending on the nuances of your specific situation, which only you know!* 

– If, however, paying the Sustain price would have a harmful impact, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship and you would qualify for the Rely pricing.* 

More info on determining the difference between sacrifice & hardship. 

Sliding scale info adapted from,, and 


“If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you probably belong here and you deserve a community that honors your price as equal an economic offering to the person who can pay the highest tier.” 

– Alexis J Cunningfolk 


“If you are struggling to conquer debt or build savings or move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc., you belong here.”

– Alexis J Cunningfolk 


“If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for “wants” & spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege & power in our community. This price is for you.”

– Alexis J Cunningfolk